anamiya Mitsuhime is a young girl who has transformed into a Fairy Princess with the power of fairies and has been fighting against the Demon Slayers. However, a new threat appears, targeting Mitsuhime. Its name is the Dark Fairy. The evil Queen Maram, who bears a grudge against Mitsuhime’s mother, Mitsuka, and her daughter Doroa, who enjoys torturing humans, attack Mitsuhime. Mitsuhime not only physically but also mentally, Maram manipulates the Fair Princess’s companions Icicle and Riot, and even Mitsuhime’s father, Kohei, into hurting her. Alone and alone, the Fair Princess is defeated and taken prisoner. The timer in her chest is also destroyed. Mitsuhime is tormented by despair and intense pain, and her final moments are approaching.
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